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Skills assessment engineers australia

Engineers Australia

Who accredits their title with Engineers Australia?

For those in the field of engineering, Engineers Australia is the key entity for accreditation. It offers assessments for engineers from various disciplines. This entity plays a fundamental role in recognizing qualifications and work experience from your home country for official work practice in Australia.

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Engineers Australia recognizes four occupational categories for skilled migration:

Professional Engineer

Engineering Technologist

Engineering Associate

Engineering Manager.

Based on your qualifications and skills, you will work in Australia under one of the mentioned occupational categories. Discover all the engineering titles you can accredit with Engineers Australia here:

How do we help you at SkillsPRO?

We evaluate and optimize your professional profile.

We develop a unique strategy tailored to you.

We guarantee the attainment of your Outcome letter.

Choose the ideal plan for you!

Discover our plans designed for the accreditation of your professional engineering title in Australia.

Ideal for drafting 3 essays for Engineers Australia.

Ideal for essay review for Engineers Australia and crafting your Summary Statement.

Ideal for starting your process from scratch, we develop your entire strategy. From essays, Summary Statement, CPD, etc. To the online application with Engineers Australia.

Evaluate your professional profile completely free!

Take the assessment of your professional profile and find out here if you meet all the requirements to start the accreditation process with Engineers Australia.

Easy, fast, and free!

Let's discuss your options together!

Our expert engineers are ready to guide you to take the best decisions

Schedule a personalized consultation!

​See personalized details about your professional profile
You can take it as many times as you need
Session time: 45m
Meet with professionals active in the workplace. They have already completed their skills assessment!
You will receive a personalized report of recommendations so that you can complete your accreditation successfully.

Your success is our priority!

Access our frequently asked questions about the skills assessment process with Engineers Australia here.

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